Tuesday 29 January 2013

How will my leisure activities be affected by IT?

How will my leisure activities be affected by IT?

                Nowadays people are into social networks like facebook,twitter,tweetdeck,wattpad and etc.. We all know that the power of IT is the ones behind it.
                It can affect my leisure activities.It can affect my leisure time because of the applications and websites that they have done. This  websites or applications takes my time in relaxing. It also minimizes my time in doing more useful. It can also affect my daily lifestyle it is because it can lead to addiction. It would also make me lazy in doing my household choirs because of surfing the internet, of what the IT has made such as what I have typed earlier like facebook,twitter and etc.. It can also affect my health because if all my time would be spent surfing the internet I will not be able to eat or I would have other illnesses . On the otherhand IT can be also useful if it is used in a proper way